City of Night

PRICE: $5.95

City of Night John Rechy

Various selections from Rechy's novel have appeared in avant garde literary magazines. One of the most popular extracts was "The Fabulous Wedding of Miss Destiny," in an early issue of the now defunct Big Table. It told of the seamy life and dreamy hope of a Los Angeles drag queen to have a big wedding, lace, gown, "bridesmaids" and all-when she married her next gay "husband."

But a far more serious aspect pervades Rechy's work than just to highlight the lives of various characters in the gay world. It is a novel about loneliness, about love and the ceaseless groping search for love. As a novel about the world of hidden sex, it is a departure from all other novels of this kind. It is not lurid or defensive; it treats the subject squarely and forthrightly, revealing many facets of this subculture which have never been revealed before, even in the works of Jean Genet.


693 Mission Street

San Francisco 5, Calif.